Geelong Dietitian reports on the recent Heart Foundation dietary advice

The new advice, based on a two-year review, focuses on dairy, meat and eggs.

The latest Heart Foundation dietary advises that “What we found was that in regard to dairy, the effect of low fat versus full-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt on heart disease risk was really quite neutral. So our advice is changing.”Now, instead of recommending low-fat dairy, they advise that full-fat is fine too. “There is the caveat that if you have heart disease or you have high cholesterol, we still recommend low-fat options,” she said.

They have also removed the limit on the recommended number of eggs healthy people consume per week, but suggest those with high cholesterol and those with Type 2 diabetes stick to seven.

“We’re saying we should reduce our intake to about one to three serves of unprocessed red meat a week because there was some evidence red meat is a moderate risk for heart disease,” “Broadly speaking, we’re saying about 350 grams a week and switching to proteins such as chickpeas, lentils, beans and fish.

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