
Apex Hearing Audiologist

About Apex Hearing

  • Apex Hearing is a locally owned and independent private clinic providing services to their patients from rooms in HEAS– they are not owned by or in partnership with any hearing aid manufacturer. Independent audiologists have no financial incentives to fit any particular brand and choose products based on our clients’ needs and the device quality and reliability.
  • They are accredited to provide free services to eligible Pensioners and Veterans through the Commonwealth Hearing Services Program.
  • They are registered to provide free hearing assessments and free hearing aids for WorkSafe clients.
  • They have a strong local network of health professionals including Ear, Nose & Throat surgeons, general practitioners and speech therapists. This ensures our clients receive comprehensive care.
  • They are part of the community, supporting local clubs and schools.

Audiology services offered by Apex Hearing at HEAS

  • Comprehensive hearing assessment for adults and children
  • All brands of digital hearing aids, adjusted for your individual needs and preferences
  • Free hearing tests and free hearing aids for eligible Pensioners and Veterans
  • WorkSafe-approved for free hearing assessments and free hearing aids
  • Custom earplugs for noise protection, swimming and musicians
  • Hearing aid batteries, accessories and repairs
  • Information on health insurance and tax rebates
  • Hearing tests for employment, industry and aviation.

For more information, please contact Apex Hearing on 9521 6118. Apex Hering are independent audiologists caring for their own patients offering their services at HEAS.


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