Hi to all our valued patients,
You will notice our staff is now wearing masks – Due to an increased risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) the PPE Taskforce has updated their advice for all health care workers in Victoria to be wearing a mask in public facing areas and when social distancing is not possible.
It is also recommended that patients and visitors attending Health e Medical Centre SHOULD wear face coverings.
Suitable face coverings include disposable masks, reusable cloth masks and scarves.
Face coverings are OPTIONAL for children under 12, and NOT RECOMMENDED for those under 2.
Unfortunately, due to very limited supplies, we are unable to offer masks to all our patients. So, we ask that you please attend with your preferred personal face coverings. We triage all cough, cold and flu like symptoms to our separate respiratory clinic.
Thank you all so much for your support and understanding in these unprecedented times.
The team at Health e Medical Centre